Who moves to China?

Thursday, August 31, 2006

i love technology

i could write about the million things that have been going on (the amazing/hilarious/terrifying banquet we had last night to celebrate the end of orientation...with the principal of the school...and some very very interesting teachers) or how i'm nervous to start teaching tomorrow (6th grade non-native level english is the only class i have tomorrow, and i'm still freaking out), but instead i just wanted to write a quick note about how wonderful technology is.

i'm sure at some point during the school year i will write an entry about how much i hate technology because a power point presentation didn't work in class or a projector fell on my head or something...but for right now, it's wonderful.

it's obviously a scary thing to move all the way to China, not knowing anyone here. but it is so incredibly reassuring to know that i have so many different ways of staying in contact (very close contact, at that) with everyone at home. i really, really don't understand how people managed before the internet. Phones are fine, but the two phone calls i've made with phone cards here have had bad echos on the other end, making it difficult to actually have a real conversation. and email is obviously wonderful. obviously. and then the various messaging programs...if one fails, you've got another as a backup. and i'm going to get a cell phone today, which will make it even MORE possible to stay connected. and skype? oh my god. about a million times better than that phone and it's free!

i think one of the things i was most nervous about with moving here was missing people at home. i obviously still miss you (all), and, shockingly, i've only been here for A WEEK AND A HALF, but it helps take the edge off a bit. the real question is....where is the teleportation device? It's 2006, people. Shouldn't someone have invented one by now? I don't think it's too much to ask for....

oh, and as awesome as technology is...old school letters and/or packages are more than welcome! one of the girls has a boyfriend back home and he sent her flowers two days ago. It was probably the most adorable thing ever.

i'm sure i'll be up late tonight freaking out and trying to think of things to do with my class for 50 minutes, so maybe i'll post more later. oh, and i might actually start uploading my photos onto a photo-sharing site. i'll obviously post the link when i do that.


Blogger Roelieboelie said...



8:54 PM  
Blogger Steph said...

oooh i'll email it to you! :)

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's your phone number?

11:37 PM  

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