Who moves to China?

Monday, December 04, 2006

i need to just update a little every day

i had planned out this post i was going to make about the table i bought at Trust Mart on Friday. However, I have some free time in the office right now and I haven't uploaded the pictures yet, so here's a tid-bit to tide you over.

I have lots of pictures on my computer. Hundreds. Maybe thousands. Definitely over a thousand. I love pictures.

So a few weeks ago, Shannon and Hayley were in my room looking at hotels for our Christmas trip to Hong Kong. Somehow I ended up showing them family photos from freshman year of high school onward, and they thought they were awesome/hilarious. I was sort of embarrassed because I was...less cute....then than I am now. And for some strange reason, I apparently wasn't a big fan of smiling in photos. But, Shannon told Dania the pictures were funny, so a little while ago in the office, I showed Dania some of the family photos, too.

However, I quickly noticed that the cleaning lady (who is so cute and so nice) was standing behind me, also looking at the pictures. I thought it was cute, but a little strange. Then the woman that works downstairs and has all the keys to the classrooms came up to our office and the cleaning lady invited her to come look at the pictures, too. So now I was showing old, embarrassing photos of me from high school to Dania and these two Chinese women that I can't communicate with, who started making comments on every photo to each other. I have no idea what they were talking about, but when there were pictures of me and Rocky (my adorable orange cat), the comments became more fast-paced and excited. There was a horrible picture of me wearing a giant fleece sweatshirt that makes me look at least 200 lbs, and they said something about kafei (coffee). I made another comment about a picture of me and my mama, and they caught that I said 'mama' and made comments about her that i didn't understand.

So...now the cleaning lady and the other woman have seen more pictures (and worse ones) than probably most of my close friends have. Even though we can't communicate much beyond "ni hao" and "xie xie," it's sort of weird....I feel a little bit closer to them. They're so nice.

This weekend I got a massage and was incredibly productive, working on my law school applications. I'm hoping to be done with my applications this week! Then I will have more time to waste (aka write in my blog).

Oh, and by the way. When Mike was here, he brought me a little christmas present to open every day of december leading up to Christmas. Like an advent calendar, only a million times better. If you want a Christmas present from China, send me your address. I can't guarantee that it will get to you on time, but I will do my best to send you something.

time to pretend to prepare for class!


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