Hash in Suzhou...and no i do not mean weed

Yesterday was maybe the most incredible day I've spent in China so far.
One of the returning teachers in our office told Shannon and me about this thing called Hash. The Hash House Harriers is an organization that is known as "a drinking group with a running problem." They have clubs all over the world, in most major cities (and in many minor cities as well). Here is their website: http://www.gthhh.com/
So anyway, we were told about a Hash event in Suzhou, a small city about an hour and a half outside of Shanghai. I am (obviously) not a big runner, but the event sounded cool and when we were told that you don't have to run, Shannon and Dania and I decided to go. We went to a designated pick-up spot (there were 8 of us total from our school going), and got on the plush bus that would take us to Suzhou. There were two buses and maybe about 70 people total (maybe...i'm terrible at estimating numbers). We paid 150 rmb each, which was more than worth the experience that was to come. The bus stopped at a rest stop, during which we used the glamorous facilities (read: more squat toilets...no toilet paper, but there was a flusher! amazing!) and perused the interesting choices for snacks. I ended up buying some weird pizza flavored pretzel sticks. Dania bought something that she thought was apple juice and turned out to be apple-flavored jelly. It totally reminded me of the choir Europe trips on the buses cause we always stopped at so many rest stops and bought interesting snack foods to share with each other.

I honestly don't know how anyone could have run the course. It felt like most of it was up down these really steep hills. I'm pre

At the top of the second hill I felt awful. The best way to describe it is that I felt like I was drunk...totally dizzy, not quite aware of what was going on around me. We just kept moving. I don't know what kind of crops we were making our way through, but they were terraced up the hill like this almost the whole way. You really had to pay attention to your footing cause it was really easy to trip or slide. I'm surprised that none of the runners sprained their ankles. I did, however, manage to get some of the most ridiculous mosquito bites of my entire life. By ridiculous, I mean that I just counted and I currently have close to 40, maybe more. And they're all on my legs. I'm not joking. The extra-strength anti-itch cream I brought is not working, and I

Anyway, most everyone continued drinking for a while, but Shannon and Dania and I went and explored a little even thought it was dark outside and not well lit. We went into this prayer room with incredible carvings...but since there was

Anyway, I will leave you with one final image that will tell you even more about our day in Suzhou. Remember how i said that the primary school building doesn't have western toilets? And how the squatter 'toilet' at the rest area was plush because it had a flusher? Well, be thankful for your lovely porcelain toilets with seats, where you can relax and feel comfortable. You'll cherish even the filthiest truck stop toilet after you take a look at this:

Look closely. No privacy (obviously...there isn't a word in Chinese for 'privacy') and no flusher. Too bad this picture isn't scratch and sniff...then you'd really get the full idea.
pop a squat just took on a whole new meaning
Oh wow, that's worse than those French shit-pits! But I guess it still beats the "take a dump and take a shower in the same brown river" deal I had in Thailand that one time! I'm telling you, no amount of soap....
The hash run thingy sounds interesting; but I looked up the Detroit one and it all sounds quite kinky, not at all as you described yours!
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