Who moves to China?

Monday, September 25, 2006


today was awesome. classes went well, got stuff planned, and got a phone call that Dania, Shannon and I needed to pick something up in the Xian Mian building (the high school building). We got there, and wouldn't you know it, we all had mail waiting for us! Mine was a little package from Sara, including a letter, a picture, a drawing, and a picture book. I was ecstatic. I didn't think the day could get better until I got into my dorm and the dorm guard (George) told me in Chinese and hand motions that someone had delivered something for me. I went into one of the little rooms where the dorm guards store things, and there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Mike knows where it's at, people.

So...if you were wondering whether or not I would actually receive mail if you sent it...I can and I have. Woohoo!!


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